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What Does Vitamin D Do?

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What Does Vitamin D Do?

The question of what vitamin D does is one of the most curious topics today. Vitamin D, which is directly related to the sun's rays, is very beneficial for the body when taken in sufficient amounts.

On the other hand, vitamin D deficiency is a problem that most people experience. Vitamin D is a type of vitamin that can be obtained naturally from the sun and various foods. On the other hand, there are different types of vitamin D as D2 (ergocalciferol) and D3 (cholecalciferol).

In this direction, vitamin D3 can be obtained from oily fish as well as produced by the skin thanks to sunlight. Vitamin D2, on the other hand, has the form found in yeast and fungi and can be taken through nutrition. Studies have shown that vitamin D3 is stronger than vitamin D2. It should also be noted that vitamin D3 is more durable than vitamin D2.

8/Ag/2024 Author: Fire Reservations | Language: en


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